Application to The University of Mauritius Students Financial Assistance Fund
Academic Year 2024/2025
 Instructions to  Applicants
 New Application
 List of
Application Procedures for Financial Assistance
The Fund is open only for Full-Time Non-Tuition Fee-Paying Undergraduate students who are registered students of the University of Mauritius in the Academic Year 2024/2025.
Click here for the Eligibility Criteria for The University of Mauritius Students Financial Assistance Fund.
To complete the application procedure, follow the steps as mentioned below:
1. Fill in the Online Application Form by using the same login name and password when accessing the Student Online System.
2. You are required to click on the "Save" button under each tab section for your data to be saved.
3. Verify, submit, print and sign the Application Form.
4. For your application to be considered, you must send the signed Application Form together with all necessary documentary evidence (mentioned in the "List of Documents" tab) by registered post only to the following address :

The Student Welfare Office
Room 7.14, 7th Floor
Academic Complex
Tower Block
University of Mauritius
Réduit, 80837.

Note: Application Forms submitted in person will not be accepted.

5. Once your application has been submitted, you will normally not be able to make any changes and re-apply online.

(i)Deadline for submission of online application: Friday 28 March 2025 at latest.

(ii)The signed application form together with all necessary documentary evidence should reach the Student Welfare Office by Wednesday 09 April 2025 at latest.

(i) Incomplete/Late Application Forms will not be considered.
(ii) Only successful applicants will be notified of the outcome of their applications by email on their University e-mail address. They will be required to fill-in and submit a Declaration Form within a specific deadline. In this connection, applicants are strongly requested to check their University emails on a regular basis.
(iii) Students should apply to the UoM Students Financial Assistance Fund every year as it is a one-off grant.
(iv) For any enquiries, please find our contact details on the "Enquiries" tab.

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