Movement Science VI (Cardiorespiratory and Adult Neurology)
Cardiorespiratory (20 Hours):
This module covers the theory and practical application of cardiopulmonary rehabilitation in surgical conditions in cardiology. The principles of the working and management of an Intensive Care Unit (I.C.U.) will be introduced.
Chest trauma and thoracic surgery will be dealt within this module.
Adult neurology (40 Hours):
In this module, the main Adult neurological cases met in Mauritius will be dealt with. The PHYSIOTHERAPEUTIC EVALUATION will precede the Rehabilitation programme.
The following conditions will be dealt with: Cerebrovascular accidents (C.V.A.) Hemiplegia; Parkinson disease; Multiple sclerosis; Lateral amyotrophy; Syringomyelia; Tubes dorsalis; Transverse myelitis.