Introduction au droit commercial: Actes de commerce; statut de commerçant; le commissionnaire; le gage commercial; le droit des sociétés à Maurice: la constitution d'une société, les critères de la société, types de société, les sociétés commerciales de personnes (société en nom collectif et en commandite simple); le droit de la faillite.
Law relating to Banking, Insurance and Trade Finance. Legal Aspects of e-Banking. Legal Framework of Banking Transactions: Definition of Bank and Customer, Banker-Customer relationship, The Scope of Confidentiality; Data Protection Act. Bills of Exchange: Definition, Characteristics, Types and Use. Parties to a Bill. Elements of the statutory definition. Negotiation. Indorsement. Holder. Acceptance,Qualified Acceptance and non-Acceptance .Discharge, Dishonour, Liabilities of Parties to a Bill. Rights of Holder of a Dishonoured bill. Forgery. Lost or Stolen bills. Promissory Notes: Statutory definition; History and Uses of Notes. Cheques: Definition, Crossing,Presentment, Dishonour, Rights of Holder; Liabilities and Statutory Protection of Collecting Bank and Paying Bank Payment by Transfer of Funds. Recovery of Money mistakenly paid. E-payments and Electronic Settlement Systems:ATM Cards: Charge Cards, Credit Cards;Electronic Fund Transfers, Smart Cards, Electronic Cash.
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