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Droit des Affaires

Introduction au droit commercial: Actes de commerce; statut de commerçant ; le commissionnaire ; le gage commercial; le droit des sociétés à Maurice. Law relating to Banking, Insurance and Trade Finance. Legal Aspects of e-Banking. Legal Framework of Banking Transactions: Definition of Bank and customer, Banker-Customer relationship, The Scope of confidentiality: Data Protection Act. Bills of Exchange: Definition, Characteristics, Types and Use. Parties to a bill. Elements of the statutory definition. Negotiation. Indorsement. Holder. Acceptance, Qualified Acceptance and non-Acceptance. Discharge, Dishonour, Liabilities of Parties to a Bill. Rights of Holder of a Dishonoured bill. Forgery. Lost or Stolen bills. Promissory Notes: Statutory definition; History and Uses of Notes. Cheques: Definition, Crossing, Presentment, Dishonour, Rights of Holder; Liabilities and Statutory Protection of Collecting Bank and Paying Bank Payment by Transfer of Funds. Recovery of Money mistakenly paid. E-payments and Electronic Settlement Systems: ATM Cards: Charge Cards, Credit Cards; Electronic Fund Transfers, Smart Cards, Electronic Cash. Letters of credit. Le droit de la concurrence, Laws regulation competition in Mauritius, The Competition Act, Le droit penal et le droit des affaires, Le régime matrimonial et les commerçants, le droits des successions et les commerçants.
Faculty Department
FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES Department of Economics and Statistics
Contact Details
Administrative assistant: DILMAHOMED BOCUS Bibi Swaleha
Telephone: 4037400


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