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Module Description

Module Name
Module Code
Lecture Hrs
Practical Hrs
Understanding Buyer Behaviour

Introduction- insights from psychology, economics, sociology & anthropology, Factors Influencing Buyer Behaviour, Organizational Buying Vs Consumer Buying, Market segmentation & positioning, Consumer Research Process, Types and Systems of consumer need, Hulls Drives reduction Theory, Learning Theories, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Mc Clelland’s Three Needs Theory, Consumer Motivation Concepts, Means- End Chain Model, Attitude Formation, Change 12 © University of Mauritius 2018 & models, Theories of personality, Consumer Behaviour & Components of Communication, Designing Persuasive Communications, Group Dynamics and Consumer Reference Groups, Functions of the family, Family Decision Making, Life Cycle& Social Class, Influence of Culture, Characteristics of culture, Measurement of Culture, Types of Sub- Cultures, Sub- Culture Interactions, Cross- Cultural Consumer Analysis, Alternative Multinational strategies, Introduction to Opinion Leadership- Measurement & Profile of Opinion leader & the firm’s promotional strategy, Diffusion Of Innovations: Diffusion Process, Adoption Process, and the profile of the consumer innovator, Introduction to Business buying Behaviour, procedures in purchasing, the buying centre& models, Business buying situations, policies and considerations, supplier evaluation, trends in purchasing, Challenges/ Solutions to Organizational Buying Vs Consumer Buying.
Faculty Department
FACULTY OF LAW AND MANAGEMENT Department of Management
Contact Details
Administrative assistant: TASLIMA BOODHUN-JHUMKA
Telephone: 4037400


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