Fundamentals of animal management and production: nutrition; feeds and feeding; reproduction and breeding; animal welfare and health; housing and equipment; Introduction to farm animal industries, their products and by-products: matching production of quality and safe food with protection and care of the environment. Concepts of Sustainable livestock production. Food crops and economic importance. Fundamentals of food crop production: agro-materials; crop establishment; plant nutrition & human health; irrigation; crop protection; and harvesting. Sustainable farming practices to achieve high yield, uniformity, quality and safety of crop produce. Good Agricultural Practices standards and certification system. Field sanitation. On-the-farm food safety. Innovations in food crop production enterprises: traceability and biosecurity concepts. Market and grade standards. Evolutionary change in agriculture. From traditional to modern agricultural systems. Nutrition-sensitive agriculture. Food and nutrition security concepts. Traceability and biosecurity concepts. Introducing Smart Farming.