Theory and process of innovation. Application of innovation in the food industry: Product-based innovation. Stages in new product development (NPD). Organisation of the product development project. Product design and process development. Commercialisation, launch and evaluation stage. Intellectual property rights (IPR).
Process-based innovation. Innovation in the food service industry. Consumer-driven innovations. Tools and methodologies to evaluate consumer attitudes, preferences and market acceptance factors and the implications for NPD strategies. Factors that influence NPD success. Innovation case studies to highlight best practice in terms of the integration of technological and marketing approaches to NPD.
Integration and application of acquired competencies through group learning activities to select and develop a food product based on a valid scientific, business, environmental and social rationale. Team learning activities for selected food products: relevant food standards; literature search and scientific thinking to propose a food product formulation and process; processing inputs and methods; pre-requisite programmes and HACCP plan; appropriate food packaging; food label; nutritional labelling and health claims; target markets and consumers.