Company law: Incorporate procedure, Shares and Debenture, Duties of Directors, Insolvency procedure; Le droit des sociétés à Maurice: la constitution d’une société, les critères de la société, types de société; Régime général des contrats: Contrat de vente: Formation, Obligations des parties ; Contrat de bail: Formation, Obligations des parties; Legal aspects of taxation: International Tax law, Double Taxation agreements; Insurance law: Formation of international insurance contracts, Marine insurance; Intellectual property law: Trademarks, Copyrights, Patents, International protection of intellectual property rights; UN Convention on contracts for international sales of goods; International dispute resolution: The United Nations, The International Court of Justice, Arbitration, Negotiation, Mediation |
Administrative assistant: TASLIMA BOODHUN-JHUMKA
Telephone: 4037400
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